Chapter 7 of Title 5 of the SC Code of Laws (Volume 2, 1976) provides the general structure, organization, powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of municipalities.
Statutory Powers of the Mayor
Mayor-Council Form
Under the mayor council form of government the Mayor presides over meetings. Calls special meetings. Designates a temporary judge. Acts as chief administrative officer. Appoints and removes employees subject to personnel rules adopted by council. Supervises departments. Acts and votes as a member of council. Ensures faithful execution of laws. Prepares and submits budget and capital program to council. Makes annual financial report to the public and council. Reports to council on operations of departments.
The Office of Mayor is held by His Honor
Mayor Brandon Weatherford
He can be reached by writing:
Mayor Brandon Weatherford
PO Box 372
Eutawville SC 29048.
The phone number for Town Hall is 803-492-3374.
A Few Words
Welcome to our website. We are very pleased to be able to bring you this service and trust you will find it useful. We now can offer downloadable forms that many of you previously came to Town Hall to obtain. These can be filled out by you and either mailed or brought back to us for processing. We now have the convenience of online bill payment for your water bill, court fines, or traffic tickets, and some town fees, To use this service you must have a major credit card.
The Town Council Minutes, our monthly newsletter, the Water Departments Consumer Confidence Report and the Police Department's Property Check Request are also here online, to name just a few items. There is important information to be found on each departments individual page. We consider this to be a start and hope in the future to be able to offer you even more information and services.We are doing all this to make Town Hall more accessible for everyone. We welcome your input and suggestions
Eutawville Mayor’s Office